Who Is Your Audience, Anyway?

4 mins

Who Is Your Audience, Anyway?

Zara Ozard, TravelDesk Insights Lead

Everyone wants to be able to get the best product for the least amount of money, whether it’s at the store, on vacation … or with their programmatic trade desk. We expect personalization and authenticity from ads and marketing, yet we all have different motivations behind our purchases as well as distinct beliefs and values that shape our decisions. And while these differences make us individuals, we may be surprised to find that they also connect us. 

Marketing personas use lots of pieces of information to create a profile of a group of consumers who hold the same beliefs and values and exhibit similar purchasing habits, which allows destination marketers to reach individuals. MMGY creates custom TRiPs personas using its proprietary, voluntary research data to provide marketers with hyper-targeted profiles to activate against digital campaigns in the UK exclusively through TravelDesk, MMGY’s programmatic digital trade desk. These profiles also allow organizations of all sizes to be more nuanced in their marketing by providing the necessary data to craft a compelling and personalized campaign message.

Why choose TRiPs and TravelDesk?
Not every marketing persona is created equal. Results are only as good as the data the campaign was built on, and with over four decades in travel and tourism, MMGY leads the industry in providing trusted research and insights to guide destination marketers. TRiPs personas focus on key traveler differentiators to help you build messaging to target your specific audiences and a turn-key programmatic profile to activate your digital media campaign – ultimately finding your consumer and boosting incremental visitation. When you activate TRiPs through TravelDesk, your team isn’t made of people who just like travel – they are travel. And they have all of MMGY’s resources at their disposal.

Get a Glimpse
We might feel like we know and understand our audience, but without a detailed picture – we might be wrong. Or we might struggle with where and when to find them and how to connect with them for the greatest impact. When TRiPs profiles and TravelDesk’s expertise combine, they create a targeting strategy that finds the right people in the right moments with the right message. To get an idea of what we mean, here’s a glimpse into some unexpected details from each UK TRiPs profile:

UK Active Outdoor Traveller
They are … ambitious.
They believe … in talking about their mental health.
They value … contributing to their community.
They make purchase decisions quickly.

UK Arts & Culture Enthusiast
They are … daredevils.
They believe … new technology can improve their health.
They value … feeling accepted by others.
They research a product online before buying it.

UK Beach Traveller
They are … gamers.
They believe … immigration is good for their country.
They value … challenging themselves.
They tell friends and family about new products.

UK City Explorer
They are … sports fans.
They believe … all people should have equal rights.
They value … recycling.
They use discount codes or coupons when buying products.

UK Cruise Enthusiast
They are … open-minded.
They believe … it’s important to know what’s going on in the world.
They value … helping the environment.
They like to be the first to try a new product.

UK Culinary Enthusiast
They are … financially savvy.
They believe … it’s important to explore the world.
They value … spending time with their family.
They look for an expert opinion when making a purchase decision.

UK Historic Site Seeker
They are … thrifty parents.
They believe … in taking care of their appearance.
They value … having a positive attitude.
They spend time looking for the best deals when making a purchase.

UK River Cruiser
They are … health-conscious.
They believe … they are good at managing money.
They value … helping the environment.
They loyally buy products from brands they like.

Curious to know more about these audience segments? You can download the UK TRiPs profiles here. To activate them in a digital campaign exclusively with TravelDesk, reach out to [email protected] for more information.

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