Choice Hotels didn’t just want to drive conversions and booking for its economy hotels within the U.S. – it wanted to reach its audiences in real time with specific hotel recommendations based on a consumer’s present location.
Focusing on consumers who often find themselves suddenly in need of hotel accommodations, the campaign targeted key audiences including leisure travel intenders, blue-collar workers, manual/construction laborers and truck drivers. The digital ads invited consumers to book their trip, “Whatever your reason.”

Using an innovative format for high-impact dynamic digital display ads, we were able to deliver bespoke messaging to consumers based on their real-time location to highlight the closest Choice economy hotel. This provided Choice with a powerful way to connect with travelers
who were identified as being in the booking mindset and matched other targeting criteria, including behavior, job title and industry, and look-alike. Through these tactics, we aimed for a $7 cost per booking (CPB) and $10 return on ad spend (ROAS).
The Results
We overachieved on all goals with a digital programmatic campaign that innovatively reached consumers in receptive moments when they were actively looking for hotel accommodations. Because of our precise and real-time targeting, we delivered a $6.34 CPB, 9% lower than the campaign goal. And our placements found the right audiences, generating a ROAS of $37:$1 – 3.7 times greater than our goal. Our innovative campaign gave Choice’s economy hotels a boost in revenue and put more heads in their beds.
Lower CPB than goal